How to cherry pick in Git

Last updated on Apr 2, 2023 by Suraj Sharma

Cherry-picking in Git refers to the process of applying a single commit from one branch to another. It is useful when you want to apply a specific commit to a different branch without merging the entire branch.

Here's how you can cherry-pick in Git:

Step 1: Identify the Commit Hash

First, Identify the commit hash of the commit you want to cherry-pick. You can find it using the git log command. The commit hash is a unique identifier for each commit in Git.

Step 2: Switch to the Target Branch

Switch to the branch where you want to apply the commit using the following command:

git checkout <branch-name>

Step 3: Cherry-Pick the Commit

Once you have the commit hash, use the following command to cherry-pick the commit:

git cherry-pick <commit-hash>

Note that you can specify multiple commit hashes to cherry-pick multiple commits in a single command.

Step 4: Resolve Conflicts (If Any)

Git may pause the cherry-pick process if there are conflicts between the target branch and the commit you are cherry-picking. If there are conflicts, you need to resolve them manually. You can use the git status command to see which files have conflicts. Once you have resolved the conflicts, add the changes to the staging area using the git add command and commit the changes using the git commit command.

Step 5: Push the Changes

Finally, push the changes to the remote branch using the following command:

git push origin <branch-name>

That's it! You have successfully cherry-picked a commit in Git.


Cherry-picking in Git is a useful feature that allows you to apply a specific commit to a different branch without merging the entire branch. By following the above steps, you can easily cherry-pick a commit in Git and keep your codebase clean and organized.

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Suraj Sharma is a Full Stack Software Engineer. He holds a B.Tech degree in Computer Science & Engineering from NIT Rourkela.